Turn your garden into a thriving, sustainable outdoor space

Turn your garden into a thriving, sustainable outdoor space

Have you been trying to implement some more sustainable habits into your daily routine? Why not expand these habits into your property’s garden? Giving back to mother nature now by
implementing organic production techniques, using fewer harmful chemicals and finding greener alternatives will pay off in the future. By sustaining this lifestyle now your property will benefit in
the future, adding value and life to your home which are qualities real estate agents in Malta and Gozo look out for in a property on the market. Besides adding a more eco-friendly element to
your property, it also helps with overall health and cost savings.

Here are some sustainable gardening practices that will help you achieve the best garden on the block.

Start composting!

Composting is a great way to make use of food waste and garden waste, avoiding the landfill and making the soil richer. Creating the right set up and understanding how to maintain and care
for your compost is essential.Turning and mixing the contents will help aerate and break down the soil. Do your research and be sure that whatever you intend to put into your bin is safe. Not
all natural waste can be put into your compost bin. Animal and dairy products like meat and cheese may do more harm than good. The goal here is to recycle your food waste and things like dead leaves, weed clippings, flower heads or anything not necessarily useful to later be used as a natural fertiliser, the greatest example of reducing, reusing and recycling. In turn, this will make your soil richer and will help grow healthier and more delicious produce. After some time - between a few weeks to a year - the compost will be ready to put on your garden as fertilizer. The end result, a thriving garden, a healthier planet and an all round great looking property - win, win, win.

Reduce the use of chemicals in your home garden.

Pesticides are common chemicals in any garden. However they are easily avoided with some preparation and some handiwork rather than resorting to toxic weed killers or herbicides. There are various home remedies like a simple salt and white vinegar mix that can be sprayed over your weeds or even organic brands you can use as alternatives. And if none of these options works for you, you can opt to spend 10-20 minutes a month taming those nasty weeds- it’s also a great workout. You could also opt to go for beneficial insects instead, they’re natures way of which fend off harmful pests and breakdown things like caterpillars, mites and other bugs that are able to consumer and breakdown plants. It’s a great way to keepyour place in Malta or Gozo healthy without excess use of unwanted chemicals.

Keep your soil healthy!

Using mulch provides a protective layer of organic matter which helps absorb excess water, prevents excessive weeds, as well as soil erosion, moderates soil temperature, adds nutrients all positive and necessary elements when aiming to establish an eco-garden. You can find many alternatives when looking for mulch: hay, manure, wood chips and seaweed. Here’s where living on an island can be of great advantage to your garden. Use seaweed to enrich your soil in your property’s garden in Malta or Gozo. Seaweed may also be used for the nutrients it carries as they are essential for your plants to grow and produce healthier flowers and veg. Having a flat by the sea makes it even easier to gather and collect a few buckets full and left in a dry location to be crushed and added to your soil later.

Grow your own herbs

Growing your own veg is an incredible resource to have in your home. Do your research or ask your local tal- haxix and get some advice. Seek for plants that will adapt well to the climate and
environment you can offer. Try to understand the soil and different climate conditions that may be found in the area of your home in Malta or Gozo. After researching and considering the conditions you are capable of offering you may adjust your expectations as to what plants you should buy.

Recycle your seeds

After a few weeks of cultivation, your plants should start to flower or produce vegetables after some maturing time will produce seeds. Collecting these seeds and storing them in a cool dry place means you don’t have to buy more for next sowing season. This also adds to the sustainability factor as you’ll be able to grow seedlings with seeds from your previous crops. Lastly, always ask yourself what is worth growing and what will be most useful for you.

Melanie Vella
Written By

Melanie Vella